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Precautions for core shooter before operation
1. Remove the obstacles that hinder the normal operation of core shooter equipment. 2. Lubricate the equipment according to the lubrication card. 3. Check whether the fasteners of the key parts of the core shooter are tight. If they are loose, they should be tightene…
Did you use the gravity casting machine correctly?
There are many types of gravity casting machine, each type of gravity casting machine should do different work, gravity casting machine is one of the basic processes of modern mechanical manufacturing technology. Gravity casting machine is a kind of casting machine which uses casting technology to me…
Common sense of core shooter
What kind of equipment is "core shooter"? In fact, it is the machine that the compressed air suddenly expands and injects the core sand into the core box. It uses compressed air to evenly inject molding sand into sand box for pre compaction, and then applies pressure for compaction. Core…